Marty, another gem of a post. Thank you. I don't know how to apply your insights into stupidity when it comes to Trump. Stupidity tinged with evil? I don't know. Concerning an opening line, I have one for a book I haven't yet written. I was ordained a Catholic priest in 1969, same year as Pope Francis. Based on my experience as a young priest, this is my line: " My first blow job came from the lips of a Catholic nun." Stay tuned for, as Paul Harvey would say, the rest of the story.

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O M G!....now you're a guy worth taking to lunch!!! I'm speechless and that doesn't happen everyday!! Thanks Michael.

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Hi Arlene. My first high school girlfriend was named Arlene. I live near Seattle and I'd be happy to take you to lunch anytime. I'm at 425-392-1155. Happy Thanksgiving.

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How well do you travel? Michael was the name of my husband! what a world!

My sister lives in Belleview and so does her adopted son...he works for the US postal system. We're originally from Philly but you'd never guess where I live now... Whatsapp is easiest for me to stay in touch with..but you can Gmail me at .. arlene.carol@......

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Thanks for your kind words, Michael. As for your other remarks, I'm in full agreement with Arlene's remark below.

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I mean above.

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Wins first prize for GOLs.

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Dr Mardy, another terrific post.

At 75, I fear I have not yet completed my most stupid moments. I try to minimize those opportunities by keeping my shoes on thus avoiding the temptation of inserting my foot in my mouth prematurely.

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Thanks, Larry. Very well said.

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"Compared to ignorance, which refers to a lack of knowledge or an absence of learning, it is now pretty well accepted that stupidity refers to the inability to apply or call upon the knowledge people already possess."

I agree, and I believe the key phrase in that quote is "the inability to apply or call upon." That implies that stupdity is not the person's fault.

What I personally find far more annoying and frustrating is intentional ignorance, in which the person has the ability but flatly refuses to employ it.

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Mardy, by "a 2024 book," I assume you mean a book that was written and published in 2024. Thus far I have completed 16 novels and one novella this year (2024). I anticipate completing at least three more novels on or before December 31. Please feel free to take your pick.

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Thanks, Harvey. Yes, that is correct. Do me a favor. Identify what you regard as your 3-4 best ones and e-mail them to me.

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I'll do that.

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Harvey...evidence of which was the latest election!! That's okay.... as my mother used to say 'Came the dawn................!!' and it's gonna happen...They will hit themselves in the forehead and say 'What have I done.' At least those with some intelligence... the stupid ones will keep blaming the current admin.

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Thanks, Arlene, but I am a retired Marine. I spent 23 years striving against socialism. Beyond saying that, as one who helped ensure your right to vote, I don't talk about politics. My best to you.

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What can I say? This spoke to me! Thanks again, Mardy.

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Glad to hear, John. Thanks for the kind comment.

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Well, I guess I don't have to tell you. My book was littered with examples of my continuing stupidity. When one doesn't learn from one's mistakes, that must be the very definition of stupidity... or is it that other definition: insanity?

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Thanks, Pat, and I was impressed with the candor you displayed in discussing them. Also enjoyed your final question.

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My son refers to the consequenses of doing something wrong as the "stupidity tax"! My daughter the ER nurse has a Tshirt that says, "You can't fix stupidity, but you can sedate it"!!

I especially enjoyed this week, as I recalled all my stupidities!

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Thanks for your kind words, Steve. I love the concepts of a "stupidity tax" and a sedation treatment!

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Stupidity seems always to be identified in retrospect. Rarely do we know beforehand that we're about to do something irresponsible unless it's first announced with, "Hey. Watch this!!" Naivete is another precursor to stupidity. Both my naiveite and stupidity are captured in the title of my autobiography, "Stumbling Forward."

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Mike, and for explaining the backstory on the title of your book.

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Another related quotation on today's topic was penned by Robert Hanlon of Scranton, PA (but most commonly misattributed to Mark Twain or Winston Churchill): "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by neglect, ignorance or incompetence." I might add that should I list all my stupid moments, it might start a collection commensurate to Dr. Mardy's quotation collection.

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Thanks, Dan. I'm afraid you'll never be able to top my list. Regarding that wonderful Hanlon quote, you can find it here: https://www.drmardy.com/dmdmq/s#stupidity

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We give wide latitude to adolescents who often do dumb things because they “haven’t grown up yet and taken responsibility for their actions”. However, when reaching adulthood, we expect sounder judgment. It was distressing to see that the “wisdom of adulthood” didn’t conquer the stupidity, the lies and blatant misinformed that was so evident in this last election. We have covered our nation with the hands of the three monkeys facing evil. However unlike adolescent stupidity this will have very dire consequences for all.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Ivan. I fear that you may be right.

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I told you...I'm techno-illiterate for the most part. but I think i'm learning... thanks Mardy.

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I am stuck for an opening sentence Mardy....The title of the book I am thinking about writing (some day.. ) is "I was abroad for many years, but now I'm a lady"........ Wish me luck!! I can find an opening so I'm stuck.

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I think that one was used, but I can't recall by whom. After you send me a draft of the first chapter, I can offer some better thoughts.

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If it was already used or not.........no problem...I'm not writing a book but it's fun to think about. Besides, I'm too busy making Pebble Pals...I'm running out of space! Maybe I should do an online exhibit...now there's an idea.

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I like the idea of an online exhibit!

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This was a good one and my guess is that it will help to make us all pause when an opportunity to be stupid appears before us!

And I love that more people are commenting. Fun to read!!

Am sending a suggestion in an email.

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Thanks, Barbara, I appreciate your kind words. And, yes, it is nice to see the growth of the "Comments" section.

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Recalling so many stupid and potentially fatal actions, mostly (but not all) in my teen years. Fortunately, old age brings physical limitations that make many stupid ideas impossible to accomplish.

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Thanks, Bill. Yes, one of the unexpected and nicer benefits of old age!

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few things we can ALWAYS count on...,no failure...noopppe-ever!!!


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Thanks for weighing in, Andre.

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Didn't realize you were in the introduction game as well, Mardy. See Michael/Arlene below.

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Me either! A wholly unexpected development!

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I still remember my elderly neighbor putting a stupid prank of mine and two buddies into perspective.

He had gotten over his anger and told my father, "One boy equals one boy, two boys equal half a boy, and three boys working together equal no boys at all."

Jody and I also laughed out loud at the quote of "dangling" stupidity between the legs of most of us men.

Thank you.

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