Wonderful! Thank you.

It occurs to me that when the garden isn’t pulling you that things are not quite right. Working on that.

And will look out for others doing the same.

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Lovely collection, Mardy! Looking forward to stumbling into next week’s one too.

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May 19·edited May 19

Oh my! I was smiling immediately!

One comment - once visited the Biltmore Estates... to me, nothing inside impressed me; quite the contrary. However, at the end of the tour, stepped into the gardens = WOW!!!

And I have been a gardener - flowers, landscaping my yard & an absolutely bountiful vegetable garden. I had to move to a totally different area - for my mental health, the move was good, but the temps, soil, & deer, etc, prevent me from growing what I used to do. I've become a lover of cacti 🥰

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I live about 12 miles from Twickenham in SW London. It's a beautiful tidal Thames riverside area. Other famous literary residents included in this area of SW London were, Horace Walpole 18th C writer and politician, Johnathan Swift (author Gulliver's Travels,) John Gay (author and musician The Beggars Opera,) and R.D. Blackmore author (Lorna Doone.)

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