deletedAug 26
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Believe me, dj, if you were writing "cute little notes," they'd still be available.

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Let me add one point of clarification, dj. And it may help to explain to others why I deleted your posts. Comments that call Trump "a scum," Harris "a nothing," and Walz "a liar" don't qualify as "cute" in any way.

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RemovedAug 26
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dj. If you want to write me at my e-mail address, feel free. drmardy@drmardy.com. But please, no more posts from you on this subject here.

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Let me repeat myself, dj. If you want to write me at my e-mail address, feel free: drmardy@drmardy.com. But please, no more posts from you on this subject here.

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deletedAug 26
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See my reply above to your earlier note. And please, dj, this "comment" section is for people to comment on my weekly newsletter, not to use it as a platform for their own political views.

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RemovedAug 25
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deletedAug 26
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Yes. When people use the "comments" section as a platform for their own political views--and especially when those comments include derisive and unsubstantiated claims--they are removed.

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RemovedAug 25
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Aug 25Liked by Dr. Mardy Grothe

But it feels better than it did before the convention. Her candidacy is refreshing just by its blandness. Mike

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Aug 25Liked by Dr. Mardy Grothe

Very timely, Mardy. Thank you.

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Thanks, John.

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Aug 25Liked by Dr. Mardy Grothe

Normally I do not write political emails. But (you saw that “but” coming, didn’t you?), if you have a chance watch Michelle Obama’s speech at the DNC, do it for yourself. It’ll be the best 20 minutes of your year. For the first time in a very long time Mary Ann and I felt the thrill of what it means to be an American, again. Not to be a Democrat. Not to be white. Not to be pissed off at somebody or something. But - what it feels like to again have the possibility to be a proud American. She speaks of being a family and being nurturing to others. Honestly, it was the best and most moving speech of the entire convention. Poor Barack, who had to follow her.

After watching, I hope you’ll feel your pride in our country come back as well. I’m tired. I don’t want to pick the scab off any more wounds. I want to love where I am in this part of history and to have an honest hope for our future. Folks, it feels good to feel good!

Amen and so be it.

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