Hello Dr Mardy

I thoroughly enjoy your quotes. I am thinking of attempting to write a few but don't hold your breath (that is a tired phrase). My father used to quote Shakespeare. He served in the First World War and spent much time in trenches so he had plenty of time to read.

Keep quoting.

Marolyn Hamilton

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Thanks, Marolyn. Here's a suggestion. Start recording them--as they come to you--in one of those blank-page booklets. And try to do it every day, even if they don't seem that good to you. After a month, review what you've done, and begin to tweak or revise the ones that appear to have some some potential. Then send me what you regard as your best. Who knows? Maybe you will one day achieve a bit of immortality if I quote you in my DMDMQ: https://www.drmardy.com/dmdmq/

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Have a great break, Mardy. Super holiday pic - very Easy Rider vibe from the past!

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Thanks, John. I still can't believe I did it! The truth is, I'm working harder on my break than I was before I took a break!

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Most of my adventures resulted from work. Although I'm now retired, when I worked I never, ever turned down something new: a chance to have new experiences, gain new knowledge and have an adventure. I experienced near-death several times, once in an under-construction subway tunnel in Washington, D.C., another time during a severe lightning storm at a broadcast tower site. Please keep up the great newsletter!

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Thanks for weighing in, John. You're right, if we see like as an adventure, it can be pretty exciting! Happily, you survived yours!!! I also appreciated your kind words.

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Over 55 years ago as a young soldier in Vietnam, I had more than my share of adventures as I was flown to many a dangerous destination. When I see choppers in the sky now, I say to myself, "May those days never come again."

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Thanks for sharing your experiences, David. So many didn't come home from that war, so you are very fortunate, indeed. Thanks for your service.

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I left a strip of hide on the fence.

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Yes, and probably a bit more as well. I'm glad you survived the ordeal!

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Wow. My adventures were certainly full of dragons! I like your ending comment best.

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Yes, there are certainly a lot of dragons out there--and it can be very rewarding to slay a few of them, as you have done. Glad you liked my quote.

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Dear Mardy:

I always enjoy reading your personal revelations. I love the photo of Marlon Brando and your wife on

the rented Trike.

"What are you rebelling against?"

"What have you got?"

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Thanks for the clever observation, Louis. I can't wait to share it with my bride.

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The discussion of your "trike" adventure made my heart race as I was reading it. And the quotes you choose to write are both thoughtful and enlightening. Thank you for sharing them. And thank you, too, for you own original quotes. They are as good as -- if not better than -- those you quote from!

Jerry Megna

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Thanks for your heartwarming words, Jerry. If your heart was racing, imagine what mine was doing!!!

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Hi Mardy....the photo of your and Katherine was a bit of a shock to my senses...You look like what we used to call a 'dirty biker' ...but I know you well enough to know that's not you!! I love seeing that other side of you...thanks for sharing. As far as 'adventure' is concerned...I didn't really think of my life as an adventure because I never used that word to describe my journey from the US, to teach in Greece and Turkey for a few years to now ticking up 36 years outside the USA. It HAS been quite an adventure and it has recently become even more interesting..... as YOU know. I always say 'life is full of wonderful surprises'... and that's the greatest adventure of it all. Thanks my friend.... My Dear Dear Friend (MDDF)

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Yes, that was indeed me on the bike, my dear Arlene. You may not use "adventure" to describe your life, but most people would. Stay in touch.

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Hi Mardy.

Absolutely loved this post. The photo of you and Katherine is fantastic, and your description is delightful. I can really see it through your eyes.

Have yourself a terrific break. You deserve it.

Wishing you a marvellous Christmas and all the best for 2025!



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Thanks for your very kind words, Susan. I wish I was taking a real "break" though. I'm just putting one project on hold while I work on another!

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Another good one! I have certainly had many adventures in my life. And grateful to have benefited from each one. Learning a lot along the way!!

Also love reading all the comments!!!

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Thanks, Barbara. Generally true, but not always in my case. There are some adventures I didn't learn a whole lot from!

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Hi Dr. Mardy,

Loved the adventure you and Kathrine had in Aruba! It does make me think of a few adventures of my own that I lived to relate.

Have a good break! Echo

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Thanks, Echo. Even though it happened a number of years ago now, the memory is still very fresh in our minds. I guess that's the way it works with true adventures.

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