deletedJul 7Liked by Dr. Mardy Grothe
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Thanks for sharing your thoughts, dj. I'm delighted that you found someone with a compatible sense of humor!

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Jul 7Liked by Dr. Mardy Grothe

Thanks for another insightful edition.

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Thanks, Larry, I appreciate your kind words.

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Jul 7Liked by Dr. Mardy Grothe

My wife and I have always taught our children (and sometimes each other) that when something is only "fun for one," it's something to not do. If your idea for fun is to harm, agitate, degrade or embarrass someone, don't do it. It ain't funny! Yet, the child inside of me still sometimes engages in this "fun for one" in my head - and often I embarrass myself for thinking like that. Then, deep down, I giggle. I have a wicked sense of humor.

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Thanks for weighing in on the topic, Mike. That is terrific advice for children. And I love the idea for keeping the "fun for one" humor in the privacy of one's own head!

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Jul 7Liked by Dr. Mardy Grothe

Humor? One of the few things worth living for........achhh,thank you ,thank you and...thank you again&again,dear dr Mardy

kindest regards -Andre Hubert ......

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Thanks for the heartwarming words, Andre.

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Jul 7Liked by Dr. Mardy Grothe

Really smiling over this one!! Thank you!!

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Truly my pleasure, MDB.

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Jul 7Liked by Dr. Mardy Grothe

I once heard a person describe a fellow acquaintance as "a man of good humor." What a wonderful thing to say about someone and I hope it's said about me some day. But then, that day, I mainly wanted a Strawberry Eclair Ice Cream treat from that joyful, brightly colored delivery truck!

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Thanks, Steven. Yes, that is a lovely phrase isn't it? And who doesn't have fond memories of ice cream trucks!!!

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Regarding Cynthia Heimel’s book titles, I think it is only fair to point out the Australian rock band Mental As Anything had a hit song in 1981 entitled “If you leave me, can I come too?” I’ve always loved the paradoxical humor.

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Thanks for pointing out that Mental As Anything song, Duane. I'll definitely be checking it out! It is a killer line, isn't it?

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